Friday, December 21, 2018

The Start of a Journey

I’m starting a journey. It’s not Journey that will take me to a destination. Rather it is a journey that will become a way of life for me. I don’t know if I will do this the rest of my life or for only a certain period or time. Really only God knows.
This journey is a journey of healthy eating to clean up my diet and hopefully help heal my autoimmune disease. My autoimmune disease attacks my nervous system. I’ve known about my autoimmune disease for 15 years. I’ve taken medications for it for 15 years and really I should have been eating healthy all these years, but I didn’t. I didn’t eat as bad as some people, but I’ve enjoyed my fair share of sugar, dairy, grains, and processed foods over the years. I’m a big food person, which I blame on having all brothers (honestly, you have to be aggressive with food when you have brothers) and coming from a family with Italian roots.
On my Journey of healthy eating I will be giving up sugar, dairy, processed foods, eggs, and most grains. Most people are surprised when I say eggs, but eggs are s big trigger for autoimmune diseases and since my mom reacts to eggs I’m giving up eggs. I’m keeping rice and some gluten free stuff in my diet so I can feel like I eat normal at least sometimes.
On this journey there will be some giggles and tears AND there will be chocolate! I’m told I can have 72% and higher dark chocolate, which happens to be one of my favorite darkness of chocolate. So that’s another comfort I have on this journey of healthy eating.
There’s probably so much more I can talk about on this post and explain to you all, but I think this is good for now. My personality will probably come out more on this blog than my other blog, because of the more personal level of this blog. Hope you all a great rest of 2018(man where did the year go) Happy New Year!