Friday, April 5, 2019

March Update

I think I would use the insurance money to buy pies or ice cream.
I haven’t written anything on this blog in about a month. The month of March was a long month that seemed to just drag on. The reason being that I was waiting the whole month of March. I was waiting to see if my insurance company would approve my new medication. Week after week I kept hoping for some good news, but alas that didn’t happen until the last week of March.  March 27th my doctor’s office called and said that we never needed prior authorization. My jaw dropped to the floor. We had waited 7 weeks just to find out we don’t need prior authorization for the medication.  The next day March 228th my insurance company called and said "No, you don’t need prior authorization for the medication, but they can come back and question if the medication is really medically necessary and we’d have to be prepared to fight it." Working with insurance companies is frustrating! Anyways I’m getting my first infusion in 4 days on April 9th. I have to be there at 9:30 in the morning as the first infusion takes 6 hours.  I’m anxiously waiting for Tuesday to come so  I can see how things will work out with the medication.
An overview of my life in March. I don’t think much happened during the month of March. I went about my daily life. I babysat my usual 4 days a week. I went out with friends a few times.  I started exercising again just to try and help my body feel better. Exercise helped, but I think I overdid it some. I’ve also been struggling with really bad thrush in my mouth that has been frustrating. I took the lozenges for over a week and it did nothing. I’ve been taking Nystatin for a week and I can tell a difference in the thrush, but it’s still pretty bad. I think I’ll just have thrush until after I get off my old medications and can stop taking the low dose of antibiotics I’m on. I have been struggling some spiritually with the waiting and being weary of everything that’s been going on with my health, etc.

During the month of March I cheated A LOT with eating healthy. I was pretty discouraged with all the waiting and so by the weekend I was basically throwing in the towel and having sugar, dairy, and gluten. Finally, the last week of March I threw in the towel and said "I’m done eating healthy until the end of April." I still eat some meals that are healthy, but I also allow myself sweets and bread and and pasta etc.  I also decided that when I do start up eating healthy again I’m going to eliminate 1 thing at a time. Giving up everything all at once is very hard on all levels.
I don’t think I have much more to say. I hope to do a blog post sooner than a month next time, but we’ll see how things go with next week and stuff. Prayers are greatly appreciated as I start this new medication next week. I’m still at peace with the actual medication and even the potential side effects, but change is hard and it’s easy to fear the unknowns.
I really should figure out something to say at the end of each blog post kinda like a signature or something. Anyways until next time!

 Love and blessings ~Krystle