Monday, September 30, 2019

Surrendering What We Love Most

Sometimes when God asks us to do something, we really want to do it, but we wonder if we have the strength to do it. It might feel like a really huge thing that is hard and seemingly impossible to do. I kinda feel like that right now. God is asking me to do something hard, but it’s also something good for me. Even though it is a concrete thing that He is asking me to do, it also has a spiritual side to it. God has been asking me to surrender my desire for food to Him and he’s been asking me to do that since last November (yeah almost a year). When he first asked me to surrender my food to Him I said" yes Lord, but not yet." I knew what I needed to do, but the last thing I wanted to do was give up what I loved. I can unfortunately say that food is close to the top of the things I love most. It’s just a big part of my life. I’m part Italian and I have all brothers so food is a big thing.

Knowing what I need to do and actually doing it are two very different things. This year has been a year full of eating mostly healthy for a month or two, then cheating for months, then starting to eat healthy again only for Life to happen and I fell off the band wagon again.

God told me in the spring that changing my way of eating will better enable me to serve Him in the future. I have no idea what that looks like, but it is really sobering. God is working on my heart again with changing the way I eat and surrendering the food I want to Him. It is really hard and honestly I’d rather not do it. I’d rather just eat junk food and go about my merry way, but I can’t.

For the past almost two years God has really been working on me with surrendering everything in my life to Him. He has asked me to surrender things that I didn’t realize I had to surrender. Maybe sometime I’ll do a post just on surrender, but for now this a glimpse into what God is asking me to surrender right now. God asks us to surrender the hard things in life as well as the good things. God wants all of us. He doesn’t want partial control. He wants complete control. I know I’m not completely ready to give up control of what I want to eat, but I know that’s what God wants from me.

Starting tomorrow I will be starting AIP(autoimmune protocol diet) again. I know the hardness of this diet, but I know God will give me the strength to do it. I have been praying about it a lot the past few days and I have asked God how I’ll be able to do it and I realize I need to just do it one day at a time and trust Him to help me.