Wednesday, November 6, 2019

An Indefinite Break

I feel like I owe some people an explanation for why I have walked off the face of the earth practically with my blogging. I have been going through a lot these past 14ish months and I literally couldn’t write because everything has been so emotionally hard. Early this year I was able to post a little on my private blog, but even that wasn’t much and it quickly dwindled to nothing. 

In the spring of this year God told me not to write and I had no idea what He meant by that. I couldn’t imagine not writing so I continued to try to write, but I only produced a couple things on my private blog(this blog). It really wasn’t much and looking back part of me wishes I wouldn’t have posted them because I was not ready.

Recently I read a short article by a friend. In it she said that often when you go through trauma you need to just take a break from writing. As I read the article I realized why God had told me not to write. He knew the trauma I had already been through with my health. He also knew what trauma that I was going to go through this year with more health stuff and with my grandma passing away. He knew and He cares about the pain and so He told me not to write. 

Not writing is the hardest thing to do, but it’s what I need to do right now for myself to try to heal emotionally and whatever other way I need to heal. I’m writing this post to let you all know that I’m not going to be writing publicly for an indefinite amount of time. I’ll still share updates with people as I deem necessary, but I won’t be writing on either of my two blogs. To be honest I am even struggling to journal right now and that no one sees.