Saturday, March 7, 2020

Trusting God with the Coronavirus 


The point of this post is to inform and encourage people. I hope I can come across this way.

As you all have heard the Coronavirus (Covid-19) is going around internationally. It started in Wuhun, China and now it’s in more than 81 countries including the United States. There’s been more than 97,000 cases around the world and there’s been more than 3,200 deaths from the Coronavirus. Right now there’s about a 3.4% death rate for the Coronavirus where as the flu has only a 0.1% death rate. Also there are people who have it and don’t know they do and they spread to other people.That’s where a big problem arises in the spreading of the Coronavirus.
The virus is spreading silently, because some people (especially children) get almost no symptoms from it. Then people who it is highly dangerous for, get it and they are the people more likely to die from it. That group of people is: 1. Immunosuppressed people. 2. People with pre-existing heart and lung problems. 3. People over 80. One thing about the seriousness of the Coronavirus that people don’t realize is that it’s a new virus and thus we don’t have immunity. That also makes it more dangerous for people with weakened immune systems.

What’s the point of writing about the Coronavirus if it’s just another flu? My friend, it’s not just another flu. Like I said above it is a new virus and that’s scary especially for people like me. For those of you who may not know I have an autoimmune disease called NMO that attacks my central nervous system. To control my autoimmune disease I have to take immunosuppressants meaning we are suppressing my immune system. Suppressed immune system+new virus+no immunity to said new virus equals scary. I will admit I have been fearful of the Coronavirus. I’m one of the people who has an increased chance of not surviving if I get the Coronavirus. This week though God reminded me of something that He has been reminding me about with every hard thing that has happened since the end of last year. God reminded me that He was already at this point in time with the Coronavirus raging through at least 81 countries. He reminded me that He already knew the hardness of it. He reminded me that He IS faithful and that He does cares. He reminded me that I can trust Him because this all is in His control.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father."
Matthew 10:29

If our Father in heaven cares about every sparrow, how much more will He care about us, His own children. God loves us more than we could ever fathom and He doesn’t want us to be fearful of what could happen with the Coronavirus. He wants us to trust Him and rest in the assurance that He is holding us in His arms.

I have no idea how the Coronavirus will pan out, but I know the One who holds my future and I trust Him.

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