Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Easter- A Reason Forgotten 

Easter is different in so many ways this year. For some of us we are missing a grandparent who passed away in the past year. Taking a broader look at things, though, this year we realize that we as a world can’t gather with our churches for a sunrise service and we can’t have Easter dinner with our loved ones. You could almost say things look hopeless, but are they?

A friend gave me a reminder that we all could use right now. This year we don’t have all that we normally have for Easter. We may not have our favorite Easter candies. We may not be gathering with our churches and families. What we do have this year (and every year) though, is so much more valuable, and to be honest, we so often forget that this has been the reason for Easter all along.

Easter is not about egg hunts or the Easter bunny. Easter is about the resurrection of our Savior.

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." John 3:17

We want all the extra things that Easter brings us, but the only thing we really need is Jesus. We need Him more than ever, and maybe God brought all this chaos to our world now because we needed to have an awakening to what is most important in our lives.

 Easter is hard this year and I get it on so many levels. I’m missing my grandma who passed away last August. I’m saddened by the fact that I can’t be with my grandpa, and that I can’t really be with my older brother and his family. But, I rest in Who I do have. I have my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that is Who I will always need.

I pray that you all can rest in what our Lord and Savior has done for you. His love is still the same as it was 2,000 years ago when He died on that cross and rose again to save us from an eternal death without Him.

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