Monday, January 14, 2019

No Sprinkles 

Honestly if the only thing I had to give up were sprinkles, changing how I eat would be a cinch. Last week I decided to let myself have creamer for the rest of January just so I could enjoy coffee a little longer. Unfortunately I didn’t fair so well having creamer. My cough that had pretty much gone away came back and I haven’t been able to shake it off again. So it’s very possible that I have an intolerance to dairy. So needless to say I’m staying completely away from dairy, Including cheese :(. Cheese is the hardest dairy product to give up, but at the same time I don’t want to feel as horrible as I do right now. I’ve let myself have little bits of sugar in a few store bought gluten free snacks I have. 

Next week is my church’s Youth Bible School and I’m so excited!!!!!!! It’s our 8th bible school we’ve had. I’ll probably be the oldest youth there at age 25 or at least one of the oldest. I expect most of the youth to range in age from 15-20.  My 3 younger brothers and I are all going, which I’m glad about. I’m also happy that I only have to bring food for 3 meals during bible school. All the other meals will be permissible with how I eat. I just need to stock up on some snacks to bring to bible school. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Week 1

I have completed week one of changing the way I eat. So how’d it go? Wednesday, which was the first day of changing the way I eat went well and I stayed true to everything I’m giving up. Thursday was a fairly good day as far as eating true to what I can eat. The only thing I messed up on was I had farro which is an ancient grain that comes from wheat(which tastes amazing btw). I gave myself some grace for that one because I didn’t realize it right away. Friday I was eating sweet pickles at a friend’s house and mid bite I remembered that they have sugar in them. I finished eating the sweet pickles, because they are honestly my favorite. That made me realize that this is definitely a learning curve. Saturday I think I did fairly well and I even did well when I went out to eat with a friend for dinner. Sunday I caved. I craved a good old pastry and because I told my brother I was going to cheat and he bought me a donut and an iced coffee. I couldn’t complain! I think I did well the rest of the day though. Monday I did fairly well for the most part. Tuesday I did well for the most part. Today I stayed the truest to my diet since I started last Wednesday. 

I have decided to keep certain things in my diet. I’m going to allow myself to have limited cheese meaning I will have cheese in a meal, but I won’t go eat just a piece of cheese. I’m letting myself have some half and half in an occasional cup of coffee at least for the month of January. I might be stricter in February. My biggest focus for the month of January is no sugar. 

I’m not sure yet how I’m going to do my updates on here about my new way of eating. I don’t plan on doing it every week. Maybe like once a month or so. We’ll see.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Snickerdoodle Chickpea Smoothie

  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 1 large overripe sliced frozen banana
  • ¼ cup chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 1 tbsp peanut or almond butter
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ground flaxseed (optional)
  • 1 pitted Medjool date, for etra sweetness (or 5 drops liquid stevia, maple syrup, etc.)

My Notes: I don't think I've taken quite so many liberties with this smoothie. I did try putting frozen cauliflower in this once, but it made it too thick. I don't think I've tried kale and spinach in this one.

Chocolate Black Bean Brownie Smoothie

My Notes: For all my smoothies I use stevia as sweetener. I took some liberties with this smoothie recipe after having it a couple times. I put peanut butter in this smoothie, because in my opinion peanut butter and chocolate is the best combo. Another liberty I took with this recipe is I added spinach and Kale to it. The spinach and kale doesn't really affect the taste, but it will change the color. spinach, kale