Monday, January 14, 2019

No Sprinkles 

Honestly if the only thing I had to give up were sprinkles, changing how I eat would be a cinch. Last week I decided to let myself have creamer for the rest of January just so I could enjoy coffee a little longer. Unfortunately I didn’t fair so well having creamer. My cough that had pretty much gone away came back and I haven’t been able to shake it off again. So it’s very possible that I have an intolerance to dairy. So needless to say I’m staying completely away from dairy, Including cheese :(. Cheese is the hardest dairy product to give up, but at the same time I don’t want to feel as horrible as I do right now. I’ve let myself have little bits of sugar in a few store bought gluten free snacks I have. 

Next week is my church’s Youth Bible School and I’m so excited!!!!!!! It’s our 8th bible school we’ve had. I’ll probably be the oldest youth there at age 25 or at least one of the oldest. I expect most of the youth to range in age from 15-20.  My 3 younger brothers and I are all going, which I’m glad about. I’m also happy that I only have to bring food for 3 meals during bible school. All the other meals will be permissible with how I eat. I just need to stock up on some snacks to bring to bible school. 


  1. I love the style of your blog Krystle!
    Giving up sprinkles must be so hard. I love having sprinkles on my doughnuts.
    I'm sure all of your effort will pay off for your health, though!
    God Bless!

  2. You can do this Krystle! Eventually it will become a lifestyle, and you’ll have fun discovering how creative you can be with what you CAN have!

  3. I know how hard it is to give up dairy! If you ever want to know some good no-sugar-gluten-dairy-or-soy recipes, Gabriella and I have been on lots of diets and we've learned a bunch about substitution and could point you to some good blogs. <3
