Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Week 1

I have completed week one of changing the way I eat. So how’d it go? Wednesday, which was the first day of changing the way I eat went well and I stayed true to everything I’m giving up. Thursday was a fairly good day as far as eating true to what I can eat. The only thing I messed up on was I had farro which is an ancient grain that comes from wheat(which tastes amazing btw). I gave myself some grace for that one because I didn’t realize it right away. Friday I was eating sweet pickles at a friend’s house and mid bite I remembered that they have sugar in them. I finished eating the sweet pickles, because they are honestly my favorite. That made me realize that this is definitely a learning curve. Saturday I think I did fairly well and I even did well when I went out to eat with a friend for dinner. Sunday I caved. I craved a good old pastry and because I told my brother I was going to cheat and he bought me a donut and an iced coffee. I couldn’t complain! I think I did well the rest of the day though. Monday I did fairly well for the most part. Tuesday I did well for the most part. Today I stayed the truest to my diet since I started last Wednesday. 

I have decided to keep certain things in my diet. I’m going to allow myself to have limited cheese meaning I will have cheese in a meal, but I won’t go eat just a piece of cheese. I’m letting myself have some half and half in an occasional cup of coffee at least for the month of January. I might be stricter in February. My biggest focus for the month of January is no sugar. 

I’m not sure yet how I’m going to do my updates on here about my new way of eating. I don’t plan on doing it every week. Maybe like once a month or so. We’ll see.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Krystle! I enjoy reading about it and also the recipes you post. Keep it up and good job!! Love and hugs!! - faith
