Sunday, February 10, 2019

One Month, One Week and One Day

Clean Eating?
I couldn't really resist this photo and meme. If only clean eating meant eating whatever you want AFTER you took a shower. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

It has been one month, one week, and one day since I started changing the way I eat. This will be my third attempt to write this post. Hopefully I’ll succeed this time. As they say third times a charm. I’m just hoping this attempt won’t sound so much like I’m just rambling on and on.

I’ve learned several valuable lessons when it comes to changing the way you eat. One lesson is don’t have high expectations for food especially when it’s a substitute.  I’ve made that mistake a couple times and I’ve ruined or almost ruined certain foods for myself.  Another lesson with food that I’m learning is plan ahead when you know you are going to some ones house for a meal. That’s one I need to work on more. Actually I just need to work on planning my meals better in general so I don’t just snack ALL the time.

I should tell you all about my experience with food at bible school and things I would do differently if I go back next year.  I was thankfully able to eat all, but two meals during bible school and of course those were the Italian meals. On Monday for lunch we had BLTs and I wasn’t planning on eating them and then they ended up having gluten free wraps. Monday night dinner was Lasagna so obviously I couldn’t eat that. Tuesday and Wednesday I was able to eat all the meals. Thursday’s lunch was pizza and it probably was the hardest meal for me to have to skip. Friday we had philly cheese steaks and since my neighbor made them she left some meat out so I could have that and the roasted vegetables for dinner. Saturday at the banquet I splurged and had gluten, dairy,and sugar. During bible school I gave in and just had cheese because it was easier and I really like cheese. Something that I’ll definitely do next time I’m at any bible school or conference type thing is cook the whole week before so that I’ll have plenty of food and plenty of snacks and desserts. I got really sick of white bean brownies during bible school.

Since bible school I have been cooking dinner more. The reason I started cooking dinner was because my mom had the horrible cough that has almost entirely gone through my family now and I know how draining it is. Thankfully hers didn’t last long. I might be actually starting to like cooking and I actually don’t mind looking for recipes. The reason why I think I’m starting to like it is because I like variety for dinner and my breakfast and lunch do not have much as far as variety goes. 

I honestly think this attempt at writing this post is much better. If I wasn’t so tired I probably would write more, but as it is I’m too tired to think

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